Thursday, March 31, 2011

Please ice, go out!!!

When we got the bad news about my impending doom, I had hoped that I would last long enough for the ice to go out on the lake.  With the coyotes hovering around us four little dogs, three houses in a row, we all have had to be on a leash to go out to do good potty. 

I've never had to be on a leash except for the walks to Poop Park, visits to the doctor, getting a haircut and trips to Petco, my favorite. (It's hard not to pee on everything at Petco.  It smells so good.  But my MMM told me, "no peeing at Petco."  So I held it).

This entire winter my MMM and my DDD have had to go outside with me every time.  In the past, I would go out for hours at a time, smelling, searching, burying and visiting.  I was welcome at any of the six houses along our peninsula which is a private road.  In a typical day, if the temperature was above 20 degrees I would go out a dozen times or more.  My MMM and DDD patiently let me in and out each time, on my own with never a worry in mind.

But this winter was different.  The hungry coyotes imagined a tasty meal of me, Max, Bella and Buster.  What a horrifying thought! So our parents took us out each and every time on a leash.  My MMM and DDD would let me drag them to all my favorite spots and patiently wait while I sniffed, peed and as you saw in my video, check out and re-hide my buried treasures. 

Now that I am ill, they offer to take me out more than ever.  They know how much I enjoy it.  They want my final days to be happy and you know what?  My final days are happy.   And...more than anything, I love them.  I love them so much.

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